Terrace Garden

also known as rooftop gardens or balcony gardens, are outdoor green spaces created on the terraces, rooftops, or balconies of buildings.

Terrace gardens, also known as rooftop gardens or rooftop green spaces, are garden areas created on the rooftops or terraces of buildings. These gardens can serve both functional and aesthetic purposes, and they are increasingly popular in urban environments.

These types of terrace gardens are especially popular in urban areas. Terrace gardens in the logic of rooftop gardens/balconies can be ornamental or purposeful and they are usually planned with container plants to make the terrace easier to manage. Our Terrace Garden Teams help clients to utilize terraces to set up an organic and useful garden so that they can make use of that space and wonderfully productive/ornamental gardens.

Terrace gardens offer a unique opportunity to combine urban living or working environments with greenery and nature. They provide numerous benefits, from environmental sustainability to aesthetic appeal and can be customized to suit a wide range of purposes and design preferences.

  • Space Utilization: Terrace gardens make efficient use of otherwise unused rooftop or terrace spaces in urban areas where land is limited. They can transform barren rooftops into green oases.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Terrace gardens enhance the visual appeal of buildings and provide an attractive backdrop for residents or visitors. They can feature a variety of plants, flowers, and even small trees, creating a peaceful and natural environment.
  • Environmental Benefits: They contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing heat absorption and energy consumption. Green roofs can act as insulators, reducing heating and cooling costs in buildings and mitigating the urban heat island effect.
  • Urban Agriculture: Some terrace gardens are designed for urban agriculture, allowing people to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits. This can promote local food production and reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
  • Recreation and Relaxation: Terrace gardens often include seating areas, walking paths, and even recreational spaces, providing residents and employees with places to relax and unwind.
  • Stormwater Management: Green roofs can help manage stormwater by absorbing and slowing down rainwater runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion.
  • Biodiversity: These gardens can attract wildlife such as birds, bees, and butterflies, enhancing urban biodiversity.
  • Maintenance: Proper maintenance is crucial to the success of terrace gardens. Regular watering, pruning, and soil care are necessary to keep the plants healthy and vibrant.
  • Design Considerations: When creating a terrace garden, factors like weight-bearing capacity, waterproofing, and drainage systems need to be carefully considered to ensure the safety and longevity of the garden.


Step-by-step process:

1. Client Consultation

2. Site Assessment

3. Design and Planning

4. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

5. Waterproofing and Drainage

6. Weight Distribution

7. Plant Installation

8. Irrigation and Maintenance

9. Hardscaping and Features

10. Final Inspection and Client Handover

11. Maintenance Contracts

12. Client Satisfaction

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